Your Gift Sparks Bright Futures 

The Works Museum ignites a lifelong passion for STEM through hands-on learning. Ensuring all children have access to these opportunities is at the heart of our mission.

Join us in sparking curiosity and fueling dreams.
Donate today and make an impact!  

  • Make an online donation here.

  • Many companies offer matching gift programs to double the impact of their employees’ and retirees’ charitable contributions to eligible nonprofit organizations. Speak to your Human Resources Department to see if your gift to The Works Museum is eligible for a corporate match.

    f we should be watching for a corporate match from your company, please let our Development Team know at

    Send completed matching gift paperwork to:

    The Works Museum
    Attn: Development Team

    9740 Grand Ave. S.
    Bloomington, MN 55420

  • Include The Works Museum in your estate plan.

    A bequest to The Works Museum will inspire your loved ones, and generations to come, through curiosity and innovation. They are easy to arrange, and any size gift makes a long-lasting impact on our STEM community. 

    Sample bequest language you can share with your attorney:

    “I give and devise to The Works Museum, located in Bloomington, MN all (or state a percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific fund or program).”

    The Works Museum’s Federal Tax ID number is 41-1570750.

    For more information, or to arrange a discussion, contact 

    Send bequest paperwork to:
    The Works Museum
    Attn: Development Team
    9740 Grand Ave. S.
    Bloomington, MN 55420 

Ways to Give

For more information about the ways you can support The Works Museum email

Please send checks or completed gift paperwork to:   

The Works Museum 
Attn: Development Team

9740 Grand Ave. S., Bloomington, MN 55420   

In Their Own Words:

This is the best day ever!
— Student during a Circuit Power Workshop

Overheard at The Works Museum:

4th grader #1: “I’m an Engineer!”
4th grader #2: “Me too!”
4th grader #1: “No way!”
4th grader #2: “Yes way.”

I want you to know this was the best class I’ve ever been in and I would like to stay here and sleep here!
— Student at the end of an Environmental Engineering workshop
What! It’s already been an hour! That was so much fun! When are you coming back to teach next?
— Participant at a library event