Meet the Engineers

Learn more about women working in engineering with our Meet the Engineer series, featuring If/THEN Ambassador role models from around the United States. The Works Museum is a proud ASTC If/THEN grantee.

Click on the engineer profile for downloadable engineering activities and classroom resources. 

Ritu Raman – Biomedical Engineer

Ritu grew up the daughter of two engineers. Her goal is to give the next generation of diverse inventors the tools they need to build solutions to the problems we face as a shared global community.

Dana Bolles – Works at NASA Headquarters

She's had many engineering jobs, but right now she's
part of the team that searches for life outside of our
planet! Her job is called "Science Communication for
the Search for Life Beyond Earth."

Helen Tran – Chemist

She's had many engineering jobs, but right now she designs molecules and polymers that are used to make stretchable electronics.

Ana Maria Porras – Biomedical Engineer

She studies the microbes inside of our guts, but her passion is combining her love of engineering and crochet art!

Ciara Sivels – Nuclear Engineer

She is the first black woman to receive her PhD in nuclear engineering from the University of Michigan.

Erika Anderson – Mechanical Engineer

She uses her engineering skills to solve problems at refineries and chemical plants around the world.