Pre-Recorded Video Workshops

Our video workshops contain the same lessons and projects as the in-person workshops you know and love, just delivered virtually. As always, each of our workshops supports the MN K-12 Academic Standards in Science. 

When you book a video workshop, we’ll assemble all of the materials, send them to your school, and provide you with a link to a pre-recorded workshop led by one of our educators. All you need to do is deliver the supplies to your students.

Why Video Workshops?

  • Greater Flexibility: Each teacher can run the video whenever it works for their schedule, and stop and start as needed.

  • Greater Affordability: Video workshop pricing starts at $8/student.

  • Greater Availability: Not dependent on The Works Museums availability; if we’re booked on your preferred date, you have options!

  • Other Advantages:

    • Works well for alternative teaching scenarios: both in-person and online students.

    • No minimum or maximum class size; pay for the number you need.

    • Video workshops can go anywhere. The Works Museum can ship materials anywhere in the U.S.

How Video Workshops Work:

  • Once you’ve confirmed your video workshop, we’ll pack the materials for you and arrange pickup or delivery (see below).  

  • You get the materials to your students. These workshops are suitable for classes that meet in person, online, or a combination of both, which is why we leave the distribution to you.  

  • We’ll send you a link that you can use to play the video workshop in your classroom, or that you can post for your students in Google Classroom, Seesaw etc. This link will expire one week after your scheduled date. 

  • There are several breaks throughout the videos. These allow teachers in the classroom to set aside time for discussion/activities, or for students at home to pause the video to reflect and complete activities. Each workshop should take approximately 45-60 minutes to complete. 

  • Each workshop comes with an activity sheet that students will be prompted to fill out during the video. These activity sheets were developed as complementary assignments that students can submit, but feel free to use them however you like! 


$8 per student

This price includes a link to the video workshop and a full class set of materials with a PDF activity sheet emailed to you for your students to complete during the workshop.


Full class set (included) – We’ll pack a box with all the materials your class will need, and you separate them out for your students. 

Individually packaged ($1/per student) – We’ll supply each student’s materials in individual packaging. 


Curbside Pickup (included) – Pick up materials at The Works any time during our open hours, or outside of open hours by prior arrangement with staff.

School Drop-Off – Works Museum staff brings materials to your school or site. Pricing is determined by location. 

Shipping – Works Museum staff will ship materials to your school or site. Pricing is dependent on the cost of mailing.