Explore the properties of liquids with this kitchen experiment. Try it and let us know how it works!


  • Olive oil
  • Vinegar
  • Clean kitchen jar
  • Spoon
  • Optional – spices like salt, pepper, and oregano. Whatever tasty things you’d like to add to our edible oily mixture.


  1. Measure out 3 spoons of vinegar into a clean jar.
  2. Measure out 3 spoons of olive oil into the jar.
  3. Notice how the oil floats in a layer on top of the vinegar. This is because the two liquids don’t mix.
  4. Place lid or covering on the jar and shake for about 30 seconds. How does the mixture change?
  5. Leave the jar sit for about 5 minutes, then check it again. How has the mixture changed?
  6. Add any spices you’d like to try in your oily mixture, then shake it up again.
  7. Try your mixture on a salad. Where have you or tasted something similar?

Why this experiment works: Oil and vinegar are two liquids that don’t mix. You can force them to mix temporarily by shaking the jar, but they won’t mix properly. The oil becomes small droplets inside the vinegar. When left to settle, the two liquids will separate again.

Your turn: What kind of salad dressings would you create if you were a chef or food engineer? What liquids can you think of that do mix?

Source: 50 Science Things to Make & Do, Usborne Activities.