Just right for sunny summer days, try melting a marshmallow by trapping the sun’s heat with this experiment. Try it and let us know how it works!


Large bowl
Kitchen foil
Poster tack
1 toothpick
1 marshmallow
Clear food wrap


  1. Line a large bowl with kitchen foil
  2. Press a piece of poster tack down on the bottom of the bowl (in the middle). This will anchor your toothpick.
  3. Place a marshmallow on one end of the toothpick and stick the other end of the pick into the poster tack.
  4. Cover the top of the bowl with clear food wrap, sealing the edges.
  5. Place the bowl outside in a sunny place. Leave it for about 15 minutes. The marshmallow should have started to melt. If it hasn’t, try adjusting the bowl (hint: try propping it with stones to get more direct sun) and check it again in another 15 minutes.

Source: 50 Science Things to Make & Do, Usborne Activities.